1. You Take The Initiative
A lot of people will complain about a number of things and ask questions like, “When would someone deal with this problem?” You discover that you don’t fancy such questions but would rather ask questions like: “What can I do now to start changing things for the better? They create solutions to problems they encounter. They don’t wait for anyone to do it for them.
2. You Believe Your Visions Will Come Alive
Are you an incurable optimist who believes that his/her visions will be actualized no matter how high the odds are stacked against you? Do you walk around with the confidence of someone who knows that it’s just a matter of time before it finally clicks? Well then, this is a strong signal that you are cut out to be an entrepreneur.
3. You Don’t Just Work For The Money
Do you find yourself working longer than you are actually paid to do? Do you take special pride in always giving the best even when the employer doesn’t give a worthy remuneration? Are you willing to work for free if it means it would give you the opportunity to acquire an important skill or get connected to someone you’d like to network with?
If you answered “Yes” to all these questions then you are unlike most people. You have a strong trait of entrepreneurs. The truth is that many people will NOT do more than they are paid to do. Many folks will NOT work unless they are guaranteed financial reward.
4. You Know How To Sell Your Visions To Others
Entrepreneurs know how to articulate their visions in such a way that they are able to strongly convince others that their dreams are actually possible. Have you found yourself easily selling your goals to others and getting them committed to them? If you have this gift then you have one special ability that sets entrepreneurs apart.
5. You Are NOT Afraid To Leave Security For Something You Believe
Would you happily leave your well-paying job because you have an idea that you believe will make a big difference in a few years’ time? Do you wonder why other people are so concerned about having a secured employment when they can have a great life exploring the great ideas they have?
That’s something that makes you rare. That’s the spirit of the entrepreneur: Leaving the secure but mundane for the opportunities of a better tomorrow albeit fraught with challenges.
6. You Look For Ways To Make Things Better
Are you never satisfied with the way things are? Are you constantly looking for ways to sell more, deliver more value, improve customer service or make the sales process more profitable? Are you never happy to leave a good thing alone? Do you think of making the best even better? That’s something that entrepreneurs have in common.
7. You Don’t Like To Live By Predictable Patterns Of Work
If waking up by 5am every day, getting into a cubicle and working from 9am to 5pm makes you feel less human. Then the idea of entrepreneurship may appeal to you. If you are sure you are meant for much more than doing just what you are told to do at work then you have something that all great entrepreneurs have. They don’t like to live by the predictable patterns of the 9-5 rat race.
8. You See Opportunities Where Others Don’t
Do you see money where others only see problems? Do you see opportunities where others only see setbacks? Do you see the solutions (and the opportunities that come with them) where others only see challenges? Then it means you have the valuable eyes of an entrepreneur.
9. You Like To Play By Your Own Rules
Do you find it tiresome having to wear a necktie to work every day because you just want to make your boss happy? Do you really believe what you wear should be determined by how it helps you get the job done and NOT by predetermined conventions?
Do you find yourself questioning the rationale for established norms and practices in your place of work (That you actually see as counterproductive)? Do you find yourself introducing your own set of rules whenever and wherever you can (For improved performance and productivity)?
Then you are a game-changer. You have one of he most important characteristics of a great entrepreneur.
10. You Like Being In Charge Of Your Own Success/Failure
Would you prefer being the pilot in a turbulent flight than being a passenger in a boat going nowhere? Do you take ownership for success or failure? Would you prefer a situation where you are given the tools to work, given a free hand and then held accountable for the end result (Whether favorable or unfavorable)?
Then entrepreneurship is your true calling. If you answered Yes! to all 10 points above, congratulations, you are a true entrepreneur.
Source: Addicted2Success
photo credit: jurvetson via photopin cc
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