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Did you know that 96% of all companies fail over a ten-year period? And that 40-50% of all first marriages in Australia end in divorce? Why? The reason is the same for both –– they stop marketing and innovating.

Consider this. In business, companies use marketing in order to get potential clients to want to do business with them. Likewise, they use innovation to find a way to meet the needs of the customer better than anyone else. In relationships, it’s the same.

You must continuously market and innovate with your partner.

You marketed yourself in the beginning of the relationship, putting your best face forward in order to capture the attention of the potential ‘customer.’ You also innovated by spending time thinking about what that person would like and how to make them happier than they’ve ever been.

If you want your relationship to be extraordinary then your job is to unleash every resource you have to light this human being up and make them your raving fan. Get addicted to lighting them up. Get addicted to giving them pleasure!

Think about what you did in the beginning of your relationship in order to meet the needs of your lover and get them to want to be with you. Are you still doing those things?

If you do what you did in the beginning of the relationship there won’t be an end.

Extraordinary, loving, intimate relationships don’t die for lack of love; they die from lack of intimacy. If you continue to market yourself and to innovate to meet your partner’s needs, you’ll avoid losing that precious connection that you fought so hard to obtain.

Here’s what Tony has to say:

Source: www.humanelevation.tonyrobbins.com

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