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He was born without legs but he has led countless people way beyond their perceived limitations. He was born without arms but he has uplifted numerous lives so that they can see beyond themselves.

Nick Vujicic travels the world to reach out and to inspire people of all ages. His message: there is always hope, meaning and purpose in life, no matter what challenges you faced. He has overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, and this is only made possible through his conviction that ours is a life without limits.

Persevere. “No” Does not mean “Never”
Nick approached 52 schools before one agreed to let him speak. That one “yes” was all he needed. Since then, Nick has inspired millions around the world, speaking at schools and stadiums alike.

Similarly, if you’re applying for a job, dreaming to start on your own, or just making a difference, the road is not going to be easy and chances are you will hear the word “no”, and possibly multiple times too, more than you’d like. Sometimes “no” means “not yet” or “not right for us.” However, “no” does not mean “never.” It’s important to never give up! keep pursuing opportunities until you succeed.

Have the courage to fail
“You don’t need courage to win. You need courage to fail.” is a quote by Nick. All too often, we are afraid to take that next step, or venture out into the unknown because of fear. The fear of failing. Take the risk, make the leap, and acknowledge that the possibility of failure can fuel your success. Even if you fail, take heart that you tried but did not succeed. Even use the opportunity to evaluate what went wrong and what you could do differently next time.

Know the secret of being content
Sometimes, we need to prioritize our dreams. Is it really to be the top dog in management? OR just to make a difference? Or even, just to spend more time with your family. The answer to this requires you to dig deep. Find out what gives your life meaning and purpose. What makes you want to get up every day? What makes life’s hardships feel smaller and more bearable? You might not get the answer immediately, but you will only learn, if you start asking.

See more about Nick in this video:

See Nick Vujicic live in person in Sydney this April and witness his inspiring story – save up to 50% off each ticket for a limited time only – sale ends TODAY: http://bit.ly/nac_pin

Source: InspirationSocial

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14 comments on “Nick Vujicic has No Arms, No Legs, and No Worries!”

  1. empower

    Hi Mary, thank you for your comment. There is no promotional gain for us as a business when we share Nick’s life lessons – we are simply inspired by his story and the lessons he’s learnt on his journey, and want to share that inspiration with our readers. Thank you for your contribution!

  2. Clementine

    This story made my day. This site is all about being inspirational and Nick definitely fits in to that category! I think it is fantastic that Nick has such a full life and inspires others. I thank you for sharing his story with me as I instantly feel inspired to use his life lessons.

  3. Leonie

    I would love to hear Nick speak here in Sydney and to take my teenage daughter to give her a greater perspective to life and the many challenges. The price is very expensive for me. Does Nick ever do just say a half day or evening event ?

  4. John

    I work in a drug and alcohol rehab and we use Nick’s story as an inspiration for our clients when they feel they cannot make it or change things to have a better life. Thank you Nick for your wonderful story and being such a positive role model for our young people

  5. John Lewis

    Marys Comment September 12-2014, she doesn’t like empower using Nick to promote their agenda, boo boo bloody boo Mary get real for once just once in your life get real do you really think Nick gives a shit whether empower uses his example to promote their agenda or not, Nick has a story to tell and he doesn’t care two hoots how he get’s it to people has long as he get’s it to them, knowing Nick he probably endorsed using him because he is that type of guy, did you bother to ask Nick how he felt about it or did you like most people just take it upon yourself to give your unwarranted opinion? And do not tell me you couldn’t ask Nick he is one guy who is available and open enough to chat to anyone about his story and cause, he is unlike any other so called guru on the net who don’t have time to talk to the common people, he is one of the common people he remembers where he came from and he knows if he can rise above his handicap then anyone can.

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