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The Credit Suisse Research Institute has released its fifth annual Global Wealth Report, which finds that from mid-2013 to mid-2014 aggregate global household wealth increased by 8.3% in current dollar terms to USD 263 trillion, despite an ongoing challenging economic environment.

The richest nations, with wealth per adult over US $100,000, are found in North America, Western Europe and among the rich Asia-Pacific and Middle East countries.

Switzerland is the country with by far the highest wealth per adult, followed by Australia and Norway.

Denmark and the UK have moved up two places and now rank 8th and 9th respectively in terms of wealth per adult.

Singapore has lost three places, but is still among the top ten.


The rankings of the richest economies change when looking at median wealth per adult, which is more representative of the average person. Under this more egalitarian measure, Australia ranks as the top economy while Switzerland drops to number eight.

And the US also drops off the list.


Source: BusinessInsider

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7 comments on “CHART: Top 10 Countries With The Highest Average Wealth Per Adult”

  1. Giridhar

    Good indications. But will be good to see projections for the next say 15 years. I am keen to know the projections for US, Australia and India.

  2. Adavand

    These figures on their own do not really express the economic health of a nation or its people. Especially in those nations where the bulk of an adults wealth is held in their personal place of residence. And where their age or demographic is at a stage where their working life may be drawing to a close, such as baby boomers where they are considering down sizing now that the kids have left home. A nation will only keep its wealth if it can remain productive and collect more tax than it pays out. For this a nation needs a good solid working base to produce tax revenue for the government. The Australian government seems determined to undermine our natural resource sector with unreasonable taxes and by allowing foreign entities to control our most important resources ie water in the MIA, grassland in FNQ and iron in northern WA. All this harms Australia’s ability to earn an income and in turn employ Australian workers to earn decent wages and pay legitimate taxes to the Australian government in order to see Australia continue to prosper. If this continues Australia will no longer be on any of these favourable lists!

  3. Eric

    I wonder if the results are skewed due to population size and workforce participation rate. I wonder where China sits outside the top 10?

  4. http://www./

    Better than Chicago pizza? Bah! Actually, i’ve never had New York pizza but I don’t think I’d like it better than Chicago. I may be biased. It would have been really impressive if you ran the 1600 miles. Driving over Thanksgiving takes a lot of effort, too. Quite a few crazy people on the roads.

  5. http://www./

    I’m not sure what you mean. Could you cite a specific example? Exponential growth is typically characterized by a series of S curves (a logistic function), as explained in The Singularity Is Near, not an asymptote.

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