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Extraordinary people often do things in extraordinary ways, but is how they sleep a factor in their success?

ENI15-201501106-entreprenuer79-tonyFor instance, anyone who has attended a weekend event with Tony Robbins will definitely wonder how a 55 year old guy can jump around non-stop for 50 hours. [And probably wonders how much he needs to sleep as a result]

Asked in a recent interview about his sleeping patterns Tony said; “I don’t know if I’m jumping out of bed but I look forward to the day for sure.” He added. “I’m not a sleeper. I sleep five, six hours a night. I figure I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
Mere mortals like us are constantly reminded that we require eight straight, restful hours of sleep to function, yet some of the most enduring achievers defy that logic. Lucky them, they somehow thrive on minimal amounts of slumber. Donald Trump is one of the sleep-starved elite. The bedhead-defying billionaire real estate mogul scrapes by on only three to four hours a night, but says it gives him a competitive edge. Apparently it’s working.
Yahoo’s CEO, Melissa Mayer, reportedly used to clock 130 hours per week leaving very little time for her to sleep. Meanwhile former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi claimed he needs just 2-4 hours’ sleep a night. The US commander-in-chief, President Barack Obama, logs more sleep than you might think: he reportedly nods off at 1 am and rises at 7 am. And Winston Churchill famously credits his victory in leading the nation through the Battle of Britain to the brain-boosting power of catnapping.

See how your own sleep patterns compare with the…

sleep-habits of the rich and famous

abcnews.go.com | entrepreneur.com | businessinsider.com.au | americanexpress.com | bigbrandbeds.co.uk

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